FABSCRAP is an organization located in Brooklyn, New York at the Brooklyn Army Terminal that offers commercial and home fabric recycling. They take in anything from fabric cards and leftover pieces of scraps to rolls of yardage where everything is given the chance to be re-homed and properly recycled.
FABSCRAP hosted an event called Sip and Sort that was hosted on August 1st, 2018 from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The event offered two options of purchasing a ticket to either help sort or stop by to shop. Both options allowed you to drink from their selection of wines and spritzers and shop at a 50% discount.
I picked up 20 pounds worth of fabric, normally $5/lb was only $2.50/lb. For those who wished to help sort their price was only $1.50/lb.
FABSCRAP offers opportunities to help sort every week, with the opportunity to use your last 30 minutes to purchase anything you would like.
To learn more about FABSCRAP you can visit their website at www.FabScrap.org
If you do not live in the New York City area and want to learn where else to recycle fabrics, click here.